Comprehensive List of Codes, Standards, Reference Books, and Guidelines for Process Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry
1. Process Safety Studies in Oil and Gas Industry
- HAZID (Hazard Identification Study)
- HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study)
- LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis)
- SIL Study (Safety Integrity Level Study)
- SIL Verification & SIL Validation
- QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment)
- Fire, Explosion, and Gas Dispersion Analysis (FEGDA)
- Fire and Gas Mapping Study (F&G Mapping)
- Emergency Evacuation and Rescue Analysis (EERA)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Dispersion Modeling Study
- Explosion Risk Assessment
- Consequence Modeling
- Bowtie Analysis
- Human Factor Engineering (HFE) Study
- RAM Study (Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability)
- Hydraulic & Surge Analysis
- Safety Case Development
- Emergency Response Planning (ERP)
2. Codes, Standards, Guidelines, and Reference Books
A. Indian Standards (OISD & IS)
1. OISD (Oil Industry Safety Directorate) Standards
Layout Design Related:
- OISD-118: Layout for Oil and Gas Installations
- OISD-144: LPG Bottling Plant Operation
- OISD-150: Safety Requirements for LPG Mounded Storage
- OISD-169: Guidelines for Small LPG Bottling Plants
- OISD-214: Cross Country LPG Pipelines
- OISD-226: Natural Gas Transmission and City Gas Distribution
- OISD-244: Storage & Handling of Petroleum Products at Depots & Terminals
Safety & Fire Protection:
- OISD-113: Electrical Area Classification
- OISD-115: Fire Fighting Equipment and Appliances
- OISD-116: Fire Protection for Refineries & Gas Processing Plants
- OISD-117: Fire Protection for Depots, Terminals & Pipelines
- OISD-164: Fireproofing of Steel Structures
- OISD-189: Firefighting Equipment for Drilling Rigs
Environment Protection:
- OISD-196: Environmental Clearance Guidelines
- OISD-197: Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines
- OISD-200: Oil Spill Response Plan
2. Bureau of Indian Standards (IS)
- IS 5572: Classification of Hazardous Areas
- IS 636: Fire Fighting Delivery Hose
- IS 2171: Portable Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers
- IS 15683: Portable Fire Extinguisher – Construction & Performance
- IS 14122 (Part 2 & 3): Working Platforms, Walkways, and Ladders
- IS 1893 (Part 4): Earthquake Resistant Design
B. International Standards
1. NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Standards
- NFPA 10: Portable Fire Extinguishers
- NFPA 12: Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
- NFPA 13: Installation of Sprinkler Systems
- NFPA 15: Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection
- NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
- NFPA 59A: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Safety
- NFPA 101: Life Safety Code
- NFPA 704: Hazard Identification for Emergency Response
2. API (American Petroleum Institute) Standards
- API RP 500: Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations (Div 1 & 2)
- API 505: Electrical Classification for Zone 0, 1, and 2
- API 521: Pressure Relieving and Depressurization
- API 2001: Fire Protection in Refineries
- API 2350: Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks
3. IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Standards
- IEC 60079: Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas
- IEC 61508: Functional Safety of Electrical Systems
- IEC 61511: Safety Instrumented Systems for Process Industry
4. BS (British Standards) & EN (European Standards)
- BS 5306: Fire Extinguishing Installations
- BS EN 12266: Industrial Valve Testing
- BS EN ISO 10075: Ergonomic Principles Related to Mental Workload
- BS EN 614: Safety of Machinery – Ergonomic Design
5. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Standards
- ANSI Z358.1: Emergency Eyewash and Safety Shower Equipment
- ANSI Z535.4: Safety Signs and Colors
6. GAP (Global Asset Protection) Guidelines
- GAP 2.5.2: Oil and Chemical Plant Layout
- GAP 2.2.2A: Hazard Classification for Spacing Requirements
3. Reference Books & Guidelines
- Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Guidelines
- Guidelines for Risk-Based Process Safety
- Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures
- Guidelines for Initiating Events and Independent Protection Layers
- Dispersion Modeling & Explosion Risk
- “Explosion Protection” – W. Bartknecht
- “Consequence Modeling in the Process Industry” – CCPS
- QRA & Risk Assessment
- “Risk Analysis and Control” – M. Sam Mannan
- “Quantitative Risk Assessment in Chemical Process Industries” – CCPS
- Emergency Response & Fire Protection
- “Emergency Planning and Response for Chemical, Radiological, and Biological Hazards” – R. Gosselin
- “Fire Protection Handbook” – NFPA
- Process Safety & LOPA
- “Layer of Protection Analysis” – CCPS
- “Process Safety Management Guide” – AIChE
4. Conclusion
This comprehensive list includes major standards, codes, guidelines, and reference books covering process safety, hazard identification, fire protection, dispersion modeling, explosion risk assessment, environmental impact assessment, and emergency response planning. It serves as a valuable resource for engineers, safety professionals, and regulatory authorities in the oil and gas industry.
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